Qui sommes-nous ?
L'ANSM en bref
Nos engagements
Nos missions
Notre périmètre
Notre organisation
Déontologie et transparence
Publications institutionnelles
Publications scientifiques
Rejoignez-nous !
Notre agenda
Nos articles
Nos campagnes
Bulletin officiel des actes, décisions et avis
Décisions institutionnelles
Décisions liées aux médicaments
Décisions liées aux produits sanguins et autres produits biologiques
Décisions liées aux médicaments dérivés du plasma
Décisions liées aux dispositifs médicaux et dispositifs médicaux de diagnostic in vitro
Décisions de police sanitaire
Sanctions financières
Disponibilité des produits de santé
Dispositifs médicaux et dispositifs médicaux de diagnostic in vitro
Vos démarches
Organismes notifiés
Professionnel de santé

Our missions

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Every health product provides benefits but also poses risks. This is referred to as the “benefit-risk balance”. Our mission is to ensure that this balance is positive, i.e. that the benefits to the patient are greater than the risks.

This applies from the therapeutic innovation development stage.

In this way, in the aim of facilitating safe access for patients to innovative products, ANSM intervenes in various ways to support innovation and oversee measures to ensure its early, safe, and fair implementation.

We also support the development of paediatric medicines.

Overseeing health product marketing

When a medicine or biological product is marketed in France, it will have undergone an assessment and been granted a marketing authorisation by ANSM or by the European Commission following a review by the European Medicines Agency.
Marketing authorisation for medicines
Marketing authorisation of blood products and other biological products
Medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices are marketed within a European framework which provides for the affixing of a CE mark certifying the compliance of the product with safety requirements. ANSM is involved in market surveillance and control in France.

Our role is to ensure that every patient treated receives products whose quality, safety, and efficacy have been demonstrated and validated.
Marketing authorisation of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices